MONNROE: Authenticity and Passion in Every Note

Musical artist MONNROE believes his music, described as sultry, night-time, and passionate, resonates with people due to its authenticity and relatability. 

MONNROE: Authenticity and Passion in Every Note

Rising Musical artist, MONNROE believes people should care about his music because it is authentic and relatable. He creates music to evoke feelings and to remind listeners that they are not alone. His mission is to make music that resonates deeply with his audience, offering them solace and connection through his heartfelt compositions.

The internet has revolutionized the music business, according to MONNROE. Social media, in particular, has made it easier for independent artists like him to gain exposure. "People are scrolling all day, and the more you post, the more people see you," he says. This increased visibility leads to greater recognition and the opportunity for artists to build their name. Despite the inevitable cons of the digital age, MONNROE chooses to focus on the positive aspects, embracing a glass half-full perspective.

When asked to describe his music in three words, MONNROE chooses "sultry," "night-time," and "passionate." These descriptors perfectly encapsulate the essence of his sound, which aims to captivate and move listeners. Through his music, MONNROE continues to build a loyal following, connecting with fans who appreciate his authenticity and emotional depth.

Header Image Credit: Photocredit:MONNROE


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