Seen - A unique perspective of life and it’s challenges

Seen is a theatre performance containing 8 short plays about life and the challenges and changes we face. These plays are written by Pentabus' Young Writers of 2024. 

Seen - A unique perspective of life and it’s challenges

As someone who doesn’t often view theatre performances, Seen is a fantastic set of performance pieces. Eight short plays detailing the challenges of individual lives, played out through unique and creative performances. These plays are written by Pentabus Young Writers of 2024, with each play being fantastically performed by an incredible cast.

Overall, the performance was amazing, with the character acting being a highlight of the experience for me. To be able to convey genuine emotions in such a short time is invaluable for a performer, and each performer should be very proud of this production. Despite it's serious nature, the performances still contain comedic elements, with these moments feeling incredibly genuine, with myself and the rest of the audience loving the humorous side of the performance.

If I had to highlight moments from this amazing production, it would have to be ‘Cheddar Man’ by Eva Sinclair, ‘Breaking & Entering’ by Verity Best and ‘Training Days’ by Claire Watts. With real, genuine acting conveying to the audience the emotion involved in these pieces. Despite my favorites, each writer and performer involved should be greatly proud of themselves, as Seen is a must see production, even for those who don’t usually enjoy theatre production!

For more information on Seen, its writers and performers, you can check out the website:

Header Image Credit: Pentabus


  • Dayna Jeynes

    On 21 June 2024, 12:47 Dayna Jeynes commented:

    Great write up!

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