Mosley Old Hall Reveiw

A review of Mosley Old Hall, a small but beautiful house with interesting artwork.

Mosley Old Hall Reveiw

On 11/10/2023, I visited Mosley Old Hall with a group of friends. The grounds are beautiful, with a meadow, woodland and a restored 17th century knot garden. In the house there are antique furnishings, tools, and artworks. 

The volunteers were kind and informative, explaining about the rooms and paintings. For example, upstairs there was a painting with a trio of children with dogs on either side.fd8cba222455b0f7c21fa6f59bd55a71540a88ad.png I learned that the dogs mean the heir is in the centre of the painting and that boys from aristocratic families dressed as girls until they were 7 to prevent being kidnapped, so the girl in the centre is actually a boy!

The visit was wonderful. However, for those seeking to look at more artworks, the collection is limited to mostly portraits and tapestries as it is a relatively small house. Also, the windows were quite small so it was difficult to take good pictures. Overall, I enjoyed exploring Mosley Old Hall and would definitely recommend a visit.


Faith Woolley

Faith Woolley

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  • Caroline Woolley

    On 24 June 2024, 17:54 Caroline Woolley commented:

    Thanks for a great review. I will definitely visit again and look more closely at the portraits in particular.

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