Stranger Things Last Shadow - Phoenix Theatre, London

A must-see for Stranger Things fans but also for anyone who loves good theatre and special effects!

As a fan of Stranger Things (I have watched the tv series so many times I am not even sure how many) I NEEDED to see this show as soon as I heard about it being made. I asked my Mam and Dad to get us tickets for my birthday and they did! They did not tell me about it until the day before we were going (which was also my birthday day)... they took me out for dinner, dropped my sister off to sleep at my Grandad's house and then when we got home there was a 'letter' waiting for me which was an invitation to 'Hawkins Labs'. I was so excited... I did not expect it at all even though I hoped!

The next day we set off for London on an early train. I don't like early mornings but I was so excited that I did not mind.


When we arrived at the theatre I took lots of photos from the outside and of the posters and then we went in and took our seats. We were in the front of the circle and the view was perfect! None of us knew what to expect as we had not tried to find out too much about the show before so it would be a surprise.

The opening scene is amazing and that sets the tone for the rest of the play. I will not spoil it for people who have not seen this show yet but I will say two things:

  1. The special effects start from the moment it begins
  2. If you don't like vomit be prepared to look away!

The show goes on from that amazing first scene and we find ourselves in the world of Hawkins when the adults in the tv series are kids. We learn more about their friendships as kids and how they all know each other as well as more about the history of Hawkins and its supernatural experiences. 

I was surprised to find there are some musical numbers in it - I was not expecting that but it was great.

I think one of my favourite scenes has to be the scene towards the end when Henry starts to let his powers take over... its scary!

I think this show is not for small children at all and actually not for anyone who is easily scared. I felt really 'in' the story even though I knew I was in a theatre, I felt part of it.

I honestly can't think of a single thing I did NOT like about this play. The actors were all brilliant and really close to the actors in the tv series which made a big difference to connecting the two things together, I believed they were the same people.

After the show we went to the gift shop and I bought myself a hoodie, a tshirt for my Dad and they gave us all some badges for free!

It is a long show (I think about 3 hours) so it was dark when we came out and we just had time to get some dinner before heading back to the train home. It was an amazing day and I hope I get to see the show again soon! I am looking forward to Series 5 of Stranger Things even more now!

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